Student Life
We believe in using a Biblically sound and strong academic curriculum. Because of this, we use Answers in Genesis for our Bible curriculum. Our teachers and students enjoy gaining knowledge from a chronological study of the whole Bible across all grade levels.
We also use BJU and Abeka curriculum. Teachers are able to help students shape a strong Biblical worldview while maintaining the rigor needed for students to continue to learn and develop.
One to One Technology
Students in grades K-8 are one: one. They are able to work on their school issued device to complete projects and assignments. The computer device is used to enhance their educational experience, but not as the primary source of instruction.
Students and staff meet weekly in a student-friendly chapel service led by our chaplain and Central Ministries children’s pastor, Ryan Donaghy. Chapels are tailored to each age group, including praise and worship music and a life-applicable Bible lesson.
Missions Projects
We share this hope, joy and love with others in our CCS walls as well as throughout the community by serving, encouraging, and evangelizing. Every month students have specific ways in which they can share God’s love with others. Some examples of past service projects are:
Community Help- Our 6th-8th Grade students have the opportunity to go out and rake leaves for people.
Operation Christmas Child: This ministry sends Christmas boxes all over the globe to give children the opportunity to receive a physical gift as well as the gift of the gospel message. Each class stocks a box with a toy, toothbrush, washcloth, soap, pencil, paper, crayons, etc.
Central Ministries Living Nativity: This is another evangelizing opportunity for the students to participate in a live nativity scene.
Hope Center: Students collect their change and fill baby bottles for moms and dads in need at the Hope Center.
Misfits Ministry: Students collect boots and socks for the Misfits Ministry, a homeless ministry here in Fort Wayne.
These are just a few of the opportunities provided that allow each CCS student to be able to serve others. It is important to us that the students live out their salvation by allowing God to work through them in love, patience, and grace!
Special Area Classes
Students in grades K- 8th grade participate in 5 special area classes weekly:
art, physical education, music, library, and computer science class.

Lunch Program
Students pack their lunches everyday. Grades 2-8 can use a microwave to warm up anything they bring. On Mondays, we offer a program where you can purchase a pizza lunch for your student for the semester.
After School Care
We are pleased to be able to offer after-school child care here at Central Christian School. Our program provides quality care, homework help, games, activities, crafts, and snacks all in a caring, Christian environment. We are blessed to offer this program at a substantially lower cost to you than other comparable after-school care programs in our area. Listed below is our daily schedule and child care pricing. A snack and all crafts are included in the fee. Families with more than one child will receive a 10% discount for each child after the first one.
Please contact Diane Hilton (444-6608) with any questions.
We are looking forward to another great year together!
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
3:00-4:00 - 1 child $4.00, 2 children $7.60, 3 children $11.20
4:00-5:00 - 1 child $8.00, 2 children $11.60, 3 children $15.20
5:00-5:30 - 1 child $12.00, 2 children $15.60, 3 children $19.20
Wednesday (early dismissal)
2:00-3:00 - 1 child $4.00, 2 children $7.60, 3 children $11.20
3:00-4:00 - 1 child $8.00, 2 children $11.60, 3 children $15.20
4:00-5:00 - 1 child $12.00, 2 children $15.60, 3 children $19.20
5:00-5:30 - 1 child $14.00, 2 children $17.60, 3 children $21.20
*** CCS After Care closes at 5:30 pm daily. Your time is valuable to you, and so it is with our caregivers. Late fees of $0.50 per minute for the first ten minutes and $1.00 per minute after that will be assessed for students not picked up by 5:30 pm. Balances are due each Friday by 5:30 pm and will be charged a 5% late fee for each week left unpaid. Childcare privileges will be suspended upon 3 weeks of an unpaid balance until it is made current. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. ***
Athletic Sportsmanship
Here at Central, we would like the students to be excited about sports! Athletics provide the life experience of being part of a team and working together to achieve the same goal. Being part of a team is not just about bringing home a trophy. Although this is a goal, it is not the primary priority. Central has three major essentials in our sports program:
Sports Skill/Technique: Our program’s most essential and important priority is to teach each athlete the skill and technique required of the game.
Teamwork/Life Skills: Our next essential, teamwork/life skills, will be taught. There is always opportunity to speak Jesus into the player’s life with subjects such as teamwork, Biblical communication, self-control, goal setting and achievement, problem solving and accountability.
Winning and/or Playing Your Best: Winning, our third and final essential, is typically the result of quality and purposeful teaching in the first two priorities.
May our athletes at Central experience sports in such a way that they bridge it to running the race for Christ! Yes, we are saved by grace through faith, but while we are here on the earth God has called us to endure hardships. May they physically experience what it means to run with endurance, self-control, and a passion for the prize. In this life they will experience hardship and trials, joys and accomplishment. It’s much like what goes on during a game. May we all not be ashamed of the gospel and endure hardships to further God’s kingdom!
Sports Offered:
Boys and Girls Basketball is offered in the winter (5th – 8th)
Intramural sports such as volleyball and soccer.
Archery has been an exciting addition to our gym program! We use the NASP program with certified instructors. To learn more please visit naspschools.org.